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Understanding access roles in Levain

Learn more about the different org-level and user-level roles you can assign to your users.

Fabrizio avatar
Written by Fabrizio
Updated over a week ago


Internal controls in organisations have existed for years across many industries, not just Web3. This ensures that the risks of internal fraud, human errors, and collusion between employees and external third parties are minimised.

At this point, you should have your first user account setup with the Super Admin role. Before we continue further, here's a quick overview of the different types of roles.

Types of roles

At Levain, roles are split across 2 levels:

  • Organisational-level roles. These roles are given to users for access to your Levain organisational account.

  • Wallet-level roles. These roles are given at the wallet-level to existing org users, for access to specific wallets.

Organisational-level roles

  • Super Admin. Full permission across your organisational account.

  • Admin. Same permission access as Super Admin, except without the ability to invite other Super Admins.

  • User. By default, no permissions except logging in, but can be added to Wallets.

  • Auditor. By default, no permissions except logging in, but can be added to Wallets.

Super Admin




Invite/Revoke/Enable/Disable Administrators

Invite/Revoke/Enable/Disable Users

Invite/Revoke/Enable/Disable Auditors

Create New Wallets

Administrators into New Wallets

Users into New Wallets

Auditors into New Wallets

Configure Wallet
Approval Threshold

Archive Wallets

View all Wallets

Wallet-level roles

Roles given to users within a specific wallet in your Enterprise Account. These roles are:

  • Wallet Approver. Full permission across Wallets, including

  • Wallet Initiator. Can initiate transactions, but cannot approve transactions.

  • Wallet Viewer. Permission to only view Wallets and Transactions.

Wallet Approver

Wallet Initiator


Wallet-Level Policy

Approve/Reject Transaction Requests

Add New Wallet Addresses

Initiate Transactions

View Assets and Transactions

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